Vampirewitch39's Journal

Vampirewitch39's Journal


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2 entries this month

In the Navy

22:53 Apr 19 2021
Times Read: 622

Brandy used her finger to rim the wine glass. Soft music played in the background, the hotel bar as classy as the hotel it was inside of. She enjoyed the peace and quiet. She loved her friends, her family, but some nights she just wanted to be alone. She took a sip of the fine wine as she looked at the bartender. She wore a uniform, black vest over a white shirt, black pants. Nothing to give her style, a touch of herself. At least her boss let her have that.
She glanced about the bar- business men and women having a drink mostly. She wasn’t really hungry but was just looking. And not finding. She pulled the small beaded evening bag to her, ready to leave. Maybe a long drive on the back roads… she looked up as she wanted to flag the bartender, see she saw the cash tip she was going to leave, but her eyes caught the flash of white.
He stood outside the bar entrance, looking at his watch on his wrist. Now that is a man who filled out a uniform. She licked her lips, thinking he was good enough to eat. Hunger filled her- hunger to be on his arm, be the woman he looked at in the way a man looked at a woman he desired. Hunger for his blood, for his body, the desire to feed as she fucked him…
He enters the bar, the glass doors pulled by an arm that showed he worked out. Muscles bunched, cored. The crisp white pressed navy dress shirt hug him in all the right places- across those broad shoulders, tight on the upper arms. His lower arms bare, tan. The lean waist, the white belt with a small brass clasp. Speaking of pants… she watched as he walked over to a table, pulling out a chair, placed his hat on the table. Pants tight on his ass, curved just right. Thighs that strain the white cloth. Mmmmm… maybe the night wasn’t a total waste.
She uncrossed her legs, recrossed them. He glanced her way and she gave him a smile, turning away to lift the wine glass to her lips. She waited, the one and only waiter going to get his drink order. He came to the bar and placed an order for a brandy, on the rocks. She smiled thinking he could order her any night he wanted. She placed her wine glass down and tap her nails on her glass to get the attention of the bartender/ waiter. “I’ll pay for it. Tell him thank you for his service to out country.”
She didn’t watch, just kept sipping her wine. In a few minutes he slide into the barstool beside her, hat placed on the bar. “Thank you for the drink. May I return the favor?” She glanced up. He had dimples in each check when he smiled. White teeth, dark gray eyes, his dark blond hair thick and slicked back. She wondered what he would look like all ruffed up, how her hands would pull on his hair, wanting more thrust.
“Hello.” She blinked, bringing herself out of the sex fantasy. Damn but this man just screamed sex. He smiled again, motion to the bartender. Asking her oh so politely to bring another glass of wine. Brandy lifted her hand, motion of no. “Sorry- I have had my limit.” He turned toward her, legs so close to her hip, her thigh as her crossed legs hung to his side. He let his eyes wonder over her legs. She wore no stockings, but had a powder that glitter softly brushed on them. Her feet wore in 4 inch hell short ankle boots. She wore black satin shorts that hit her upper thighs, a red and black print silk blouse with long sleeves tucked into the shorts. No bra, the shirt open enough that her breast showed.
Her hair was loose so she raised her hand, gathered it, flip it over to the side that was away from him, giving him a clear view of her breast. She smiled as he took the chance to check her out. “Thank you for the drink.” He held it up, taking a sip. She looked at him, in his eyes, “Thank you for keeping my freedoms safe.” He smiled, taking a deep breath. “Well I start my new assignment in the morning- paper pusher.” She sat back on the stool, arching her back so her breast thrust out. He noticed. She knew he was a boob man. “Oh?” “Yes. Taken from a battle ship to be placed behind a desk.” “Sounds like you don’t wish for the job?” He took a deep drink, signed to the barkeeper for another. “They tell me it is a promotion. But I don’t see it that way. Been on the water most of my life.”
And so they talked. She turned the conversation to him, when he asked her for information she only gave a little. “Woman of mystery?” She shrugged, saying she was leaving in the morning. She gave him a name of Rose Lawson. She sold supplies to medical places- hospitals, dr. offices, clinics. Supplies like cleaners, mops, etc. “How does a sales person afford this place?” She smiled, and turned toward him, her legs touching his. He open his legs to make room, her legs sliding between his. “I am very good at it?” He laughed and she liked how it sounded. She felt the itch she had been having ease up. Maybe she just needed some company.
He learned, or at least she let him learn, she had no children. Married for 4 years, he cheated on her, she left. Nothing serious since. What? Men always cheat. And it gave her a ‘wounded’ history. No pets, parents still alive. She lived in Oklahoma, but never got the ascent it seems. Lived with her parents as she traveled so much.
He told her his story- name was Edward Jones the 2nd. Born in Florida. Never married- engaged once but she broke it off while he was away at sea. Yes, a dear john letter. No kids. Loved the water. Wanted to be a marine biologist but didn’t have the brains. Joined the Navy right out of high school. Rank of Lt. Commander. Severed on three ships- the last the Gerald R Ford, aircraft carrier. She asked how he became a paper pusher- he joked he guess he was just lucky. He went where he was told to go, so here he was. He showed her photos of the ships, pride in them as if they were his children. She liked that. She leaned into see them on his phone, her hand moving to his thigh. His arm came around her shoulder. She glanced up and he leaned in for a kiss… the barmaid cough to get their attention. “Sorry- we are closing.”
He put his phone away, “Oh. I didn’t realize it was that late.” She watched him pull out a credit card to pay the bill. “Are you staying at the hotel?” “Yes.” She lied. He held out his hand to help her off the stool. She picked up her purse, pulled out her phone, checking it like any normal person, as he signed the charge slip, leaving a large tip. Such a nice guy. If they parted ways right now she would be fine. It was nice to just have male company.
“Would it be too forward if I ask you to breakfast in the morning? I’m sorry but it would need to be early as I have to be at the office to meet with the HR by 9:00 a.m.” She tucked her purse into her hand, smiling. “Sorry- I leave at 6:00 a.m. to catch a flight.” He looked down at his wallet as he put the card away, sliding it back into his back pocket. She never got asked to meet again, not like this. Such a kind, well-mannered man. Damn it.
Well- thing is, she wasn’t so kind, well- mannered. “If it isn’t so forward of me- how about a night cap in your room?” His hand snap upward, a grin on his face. “Well that sounds lovely. If you are sure?” “I am.” She tucked her hand into the arm he held out, hat tucked to his other side, and he lead them out of the bar, across the lobby and into the elevator.
The late hour lead to them being the only ones in the elevator on the ride up. “You have a trusting nature to be willing to go to a stranger’s room. Who to say I don’t plan to harm you?” He asked her and she smiled. The heart beat that echo off the elevators walls told her she had the upper hand on the one doing harm. “Are you?” He grin, those dimples flashing. “No. But I might try for a kiss.” She leaned into his side, playfully saying “I hope you would.”
The doors open and he led her to the right, down the hall, to a room. He pulled out a key card from his pant pocket, swipe and open the door for her to go in first. She ducked under his arm, and walked in. A normal mid-priced suite. His had a small sitting area, the large bed, windows facing the city view. His suitcase laid open on the bench at the end of the bed.
He shut the door, locking it but she thought it was more out of habit then anything sinister. “Let me just move that.” He put his hat on the dresser, zip the suitcase up, sitting it on the floor beside the dresser. He looked around, making sure nothing else was out of place. She put her bag on the dresser top, as he moved some papers off the couch that showed he had been reading them as he sat there. They got stuffed into a briefcase, closed. “Sit. I will see what they have to drink in the rooms.”
She sat, crossed her legs, as he opens the small ref that was hidden behind doors of the cabinet the held the TV on top. “It’s gin, vodka, whiskey, or a beer?” “Beer please.” He pulled two out, used his hand to pop the tops off the bottles, and came to sit beside her on the couch. “To new friends.” He toasted, they clicked the bottles. Each took a deep drink. “So you have to get up early? What flight are you catching? Were too next?” She put her half-drunk beer on the table, moved closer to him. “I do have to be up early, so if you don’t mind…” she moved a hand behind his neck, snagged him, and pulled him to her. She locked her lips to his as she drags him on top of her. His beer hit the floor, spelling onto the carpet. She was fighting sunlight rising.
He could kiss- soft, gently lips, teeth nip her lip as he took a breath, his tongue playing with her own. She open her legs and he settled just right between them. She ran her hands over his back, his arms, waist. Not an ounce of fat on him, just lean muscles. She cup his ass and squeezed as she thrust her hips up. He pulled away, climbing off her, standing. She rose off the couch, watching him.
He moved toward the bed, taking deep breaths, ran his hands into his perfect hair. She was right- it looked better when it was roughened up some. “Is there a problem Edward?” God- he just going to turn into a prune? She stood, ready to get her purse to leave. Seeing her eyes track to her purse, he held out his hands in a stop motion. “Look Rose- I would like nothing better then … you know. He glanced at the bed. “It’s just- are you sure? It has been a few months at sea and I don’t want to misread your willingness for wishful thinking.”
Such a political correct question. Fine- he wants a clear answer, she could do that. She walked to him, saying as she looked into those gray eyes. “I, Rose, want to have sex with you, Edward. Of my own free will. Because you are fucking sexy as hell.” She was in front of him and shoved- he landed on his ass on the bed, sitting. She lifted her foot and placed it between his legs. “Be kind and unzip my boot?” He did, removing it, running his hand up and down her bare leg, stroking the back of her knee when she purred. She switched, and he did the same on the other leg. She pulled her blouse out of her shorts, unbutton it and he unbutton his white shirt, pulling it off to show the tight white cotton undershirt. He was built, her hands itching to rub those abs.
She pulled off the silk blouse, letting it fall to the floor. “You are gorgeous.” He said, standing. They both removed the rest of their clothing. He his pants, underwear in one move. Her shorts. He watched as she removed her lace briefs. He removed his shoes, sock, the pants left on the floor. She walked over to him and he pulled her close, kissing her shoulder, hand in her hair as her hands rub, stroke his back. Within minutes they were in the bed, never still, touching, stroking, rolling this way and that. She was on top, he took her breast into his mouth, biting her nipples. He flip her, he was on top and she open her legs to welcome inside but he held off, kissing his way down her chest. She rolled them again with a strong push of her legs and once on top, touch the hard cock that had been pushing against her. He held her off, slap his forehead. “Give me a second.” He left the bed, she moved to lay on her side, watching that ass going to the bathroom. He had dimples on his ass to. She smiled, thinking how cute.
He returned with several rubbers in a pack. “You seem confident.” She smiled as she watched him roll on onto his hard cock. “Like I said- months.” Once done, he moved on top of her, kissing her, sinking into… she arched her back, taking him. “Rose.” He spoke softly. She lifted her legs to wrap them around his hips, “Take me.” She said. He grunted and started pumping, thrusting. She loved how a man sounded during sex. Some was silent, maybe a huff. But when a man is giving it his all you could hear it. Edward was giving it his all. His hand at her breast, one on her ass. The bed moved as he kept thrusting. She was close and he knew it. Like him- she wasn’t a silent lover either. While she didn’t have to breath, she did like to express what she enjoyed. Soft moans lead to more of the rubbing of her nub. Arched back told her lover the spot he was stroking was just right. “Harder… “ He increased and she gave a soft cry as she felt her body peak. He grunted in her ear, his hand moving off her breast as he braced his hands on the headboard, pushing his hips harder, his own animalist grunt let her know he was filling his rubber with his seed.
She felt his weight on her, a pleasant enough weight. She stroke his arm that was still beside her ear, kissing him softly. He kissed her back deeply, rolled off her. They laid there for a while, cooling off for him, she enjoyed the hot skin, heat coming off him, his heart beat slowing. She felt the first stirring of hunger. She would feed off him the next time, if there was going to be… he moved and she watched him trash the rubber in the trashcan beside the bed. He turned to her, on his side, reached over to kissed her breast. “Ready for more?” he asked. She smiled, turning toward him so they face each other. She reached for his damp cock and started stroking it. “I was hoping you would ask that.”
Touches, kisses, tug on her nipples, cup his ass, he open her thighs up, fingers used to make her wet as her hand twisted, squeezed, stroke his cock to hardness. His sighs, deep breaths, moans and gasp lead her in the hand job, Edward taking his lead by her own sounds. She climb on him, sunk down onto him after he put another rubber on. She rode him, hard. He came before she did this time, her head thrown back as she climaxed soon after with his fingernail on her nub. Her fangs extended, the blood rushing in his veins. She looked down at him but his eyes were closed, at rest. Peace.
She rolled off him but her pulled her to him, spooning her so her back was to his chest. She fought the need to feed, for now. She felt his breathing eased. Thinking he must of fallen asleep she moved, but he wasn’t done yet. “Do you need to go?” he asked, and she felt him move back, hearing him move on the bed, knowing he was pulling off the rubber. “Not yet, but soon.” “Stay. We can set the alarm for when you need to be up.” He moved back to her, spooned her again.
“I would like that.” He let out a deep breath, kissing her back, her neck as he moved her hair aside. “Your hair is so beautiful. The color is like nothing I have ever seen before.” “Thank you.” A bite to her shoulder. His hand moved to her beast, nipple pinched as he squeezed. His hand moved over her stomach, down to the curls below. He cup her, pulled her to his hips. He was getting hard again. She smiled. This man was horny. He pushed her over, laid on top of her. “Is this alright?” he asked, pulling her hands upward above her head. “Yes, very.” He laughed and ran his hands down her sides, then one under her to her breast, the other to her crotch. She turned her face to the side and let her sounds lead him to what pleased her.
His cock harden as she thrust her hips up, ready to be taken. She heard the rip of foil and he moved off her. Then he was back, finger running under her knees and she arched her back in pleasure. He used his knee to separate her legs, pulled her up on her hands and knees. He grab hold of her hair, his hand firm on her ass, and he took her again. This last time he let go. “Yes… fuck you are sexy.” “Yes, moan for me.” “You like your nipples pinched?” Slap on her ass had her screaming out in pleasure. “I want to fuck you all night.” She climaxed, he followed her soon after.
She felt him roll over, arm covering his face, breathing hard. She flatten out on the bed, smiling. “I like it when you talk dirty.” She told him. He gave a soft sexy laugh, “I don’t know where that came from. You just…” he looked at her, arm off his face. “bring it out of me.” She smiled, moving to him, pulling off his rubber. “I like that I do.” She used the bed quilt to dry him as she gave him the rubber, top pinched closed. He reached to throw it into the trash, gave a gasp as her mouth was on his cock, licking, sucking. He laid back, watching her. She would move her hair aside, so she could look at him, listening to his sounds of pleasure. He liked it painful, to a point. Once he was hard, he rolled off the bed. She didn’t have long to wait to see what he wanted.
He pulled her to the edge of the bed, her knees on the bench at the end of the bed, her upper body against his. He grab her hair, pulling her head back on to his shoulder, as he enter her. She moaned, eyes closed. He thrust upward, bending so slightly then using his strong thighs to shove up into her. “You like that Rose?” “Yes, yes, yes.” She panted with each thrust. He watched her cup her own breast, held them, played with her nipples. “Fuck you are so hot. Twisted those nipples, let me see.” And he just kept thrusting.
He bent her over toward the end, thrusting hard and steady into her. “A man could die inside you.” He filled another rubber, his slap on her ass taking her over the edge. She flop on the bed as he moved to dispose of the rubber. He stood over her, touching her ass, stroking her. She watched as his own hand moved to his cock. “Mmmm…. Show me how you get hard. Masturbate for me.” “How about I get hard – then you handle my desire? Waste to masturbate when I have you in my bed.” She sat up, moving to him, and said “Fine, if I must.” They smiled at each other and she started touching herself as he stroked himself. Each gave the other comments. “You are just perfect in size.” She told him, watching his cock harden again, buried in the nest of dark curls. “Slap your tit, I want to see it.” “Touch my balls, roll them…yeah.. like that.” His breathing became deeper, his heart raced. She felt his own finger bury inside her, thumb at her nub. “Yes… rub it hard, push on it..ahhh.” She moaned.
He pulled away, got a rubber on. She stood, sat him on the edge of the bed, sat on him, facing him. She took him in as he held it, then they started again. His hands at her hips, lifting. Her knees at his hips squeezed as she tighten. Her breast too much for him not to suck, taste, lick, bite at the nipples. Her hand found his ball sack, rolling them. He held her as she screamed out a low scream, climaxing. Then he held her still, thrusting upward, coming as she buried her face in his neck. His seed squirted out into the rubber as he wrap his arms around her, his heart racing… and a sharp pain at his neck. He stiffened for a second, wonder at the pain, then a pleasure unlike anything he ever felt.
She drunk as he went limp, feeding from the rich oxygen rich blood. He fell backward in the bed and she went with him, drinking her fill. Once she had enough, she licked the wound, her lips, and sat up. Edward, asleep, the 5 oclock shadow on his face clear in the soft light from the nightstand lamp. She looked down at her breast, burned by that very facial hair. Lord praise a horny navy man. She moved off him, then started to clean up. Rubber removed, trashed. She moved him under the blankets, covered him, kissed him softly on the lips. “Thanks for the wonderful night Edward.” She got a bottle of orange juice out of the ref, put it beside his bedside. Dressed, and left the room about hour and half till sunrise. She had a half an hour trip home.
Edward woke slowly. Tongue dry, he reached out but only found an empty bed. “Rose?” he spoke softly, then louder as he sat up, seeing her clothes gone from the floor. “No…” he got up, little weak knees, but then remember all they had did and knew why. He saw the OJ bottle on the nightstand. She must have left it. He touched it- still cool. He chug it as he pulled his pants on, the shirt. Making sure he had his room card he walked quickly to the elevator. At the lobby he went to the front desk. “Hello. I am trying to find my friend. She has a 6:00 am shuttle to the airport.”
The woman looked at him, down at the computer. “Sir, we have no shuttle to the airport at 6:00 a.m. Maybe she took a taxi?” “Can you tell me what room she is in? Rose Lawson.” “Sir, I can’t release that information.” Edward looked at the clock- it was 5:41 a.m. He looked at the lobby, trying to spot her. “Please? Or you can just call the room, let me talk to her?” He had to have her phone number, stay in contact with her. He felt connected to her. “Sorry sir, but I..” He smiled, using the dimples for all he had, the charm. “Please.” “Let me see if I can get her on the hotel phone.” A few minutes later, several times checking, he learned there wasn’t a Rose Lawson in the hotel.
He returned to his room, yawning. He needed sleep, his body ready to shut down for a few hours. But her felt sadness at a lost he didn’t understand. Why would she lie? Was she married? Just out for sex? He felt heartbroken as he closed his hotel room door, knowing it had been a night he would never forget.
Brandy laid in the bed, fighting the sunrise. She didn’t want the night to end, her time with Edward had felt special, a once in a lifetime encounter. She slept, smile on her face.





22:49 Apr 19 2021
Times Read: 625

Brandy took the drink, the cool glass kept even cooler by her hand. She moved slowly to the table in the center of the back wall. She put the sway in her hips, use her free hand to brush her long hair over her shoulder, baring the shoulder that the gold halter top showed her snake tatt on her upper arm. Her hair was not just black- but had a undertone of blues, reds. Very unusual to say the least.
She laid her small evening bag on the table, the gold chain clicking on the table. She slid into the seat with her back to the wall, the better to check out her options. She took a sip of the drink, using the straw to hide she wasn’t drinking.
She waited it out- the normal hound dogs who hit on her first off. Those didn’t interest her. She sat after they left her alone, crossed her legs as the black mini leather skirt rose up her silky clad thighs, the black heels with gold dusting of jewelry stones she glued onto the shoes herself. She loved fashion, loved taking a goodwill item and dress it up.
She glanced around as her hungry pinged in her. Bald man looked good. The muscle dude who though he was everything a woman wanted. The nerd sitting at the bar, trying to get the male bartender attention. Business men in suits. Old, young, slim, tall, wide, heavy. Beard, clean shaven. The high end hotel bar usually gave her a good wide group to pick from.
The middle age black man who wore black dress pants and a gray sweater caught her eye. He wore black glasses. Not really the best pick for him but… she stood, moved toward the bar he sat at. She moved up to his side, waiting for the busy bartender to notice her. She listen- heart beat, so he was human. She took a slow sniff of the air around him as she turned toward him. He smelled nice. She didn’t like men who didn’t take care of themselves.
He looked up from his phone, looking over at her. She smiled, tossed her hair over her shoulder. He put the phone down. They talked a little, of how busy the bar was. Was she from the town? No- business trip. Same with him. She turned and put her back to the bar, the worn skin area on his left hand told her he had pulled his ring off before coming to the bar. “You are truly a lovely woman. Can I invite you to dinner? Another drink?” She felt the hunger and moved closer to him, putting her hand on his shoulder, liking the sweater was cashmere.
“How about we skip all that…” He blinked, she moved closer to him, leaned her breast against his arm, lips to his ear. “and just start with sex?” He jerked as she bite his ear, enjoying his scent, the heat off his body, the speeding heartbeat as blood moved in his veins.
“Uh..” She moved a hand to his thigh, placed it just below his hip. “Sorry- too forward?” She leaned back a little, turning her face into a worried look. “No, no. Just you sure?” Oh lord- one with morals. Well other than cheating on his wife. Worried maybe his wife has set him up? Or she would call rape. She leaned in again and bite at his jawline. “Yes.” He stood, threw down a $20.00 bill to cover his drink. Not a big tipper either. She gave the bartender a smile, and took a fifty dollar bill out of her purse, passed it as the man stood, turning to her. “After you.”
They went up the elevator to the 3rd floor. A standard hotel room. She put her purse down on the dresser, turned to him. What was his name? Adam? Andrew? It started with a A. “Would you like a drink?” he asked, moving the suitcase off the bed, straighten the few items he left laying around. “Sure.” As he get a small bottle of vodka out of the ref, what she was drinking at the bar, put it in the glass. “I don’t have ice, sorry.” “No problem.” She took the drink and smiled at him, lowering her eyes, looking up at him. “So… do you want to turn the tv on, watch…oh.” She was on him after putting the glass aside. Kisses, he tasted good. Tooth paste. The taste of the whiskey he had been drinking.
Clothes came off, touches, his stubble on his jaw she used to rub her nipple. She took control, pushing him onto the bed. She pulled his shoes off, socks, his pants as he added his underwear. Nice, not a hard body but he took care of himself. Shame- she felt like the muscle builder would have been better. Like having the food in front of you, then decide it wasn’t what you wanted really.
She pulled off her skirt, the halter top, her breast bouncing free. She will always have a 25 year old body- nice and firm. She left on her stockings but removed the panties, her heels. His heart was beating faster, the hear radiated off him. She licked her lips, her eyes growing darker gray. He moved up on the bed as she climb on. “Wait.. wait let me..” she watched as he reached into his suit case he had thrown on the floor, opened. She saw a photo of a woman with a child of about 4 years old. The woman was very pregnant. What a ass.
He pulled out a condom, smiled at her as he moved to tear it with his mouth, hand going to his semi hard cock. She took things in her own hand- using her strong hand to squeeze his cock as she stroke him. Like most man he liked a little pain. She kissed his neck, her hair covering his face, blinding him to her own as she licked him. His strong heart beat, that sweet blood. “Hey…easy.” He said, and she loosed her hand. He was hard now. She rolled over on her back as he put on the condom.
He came over to her, kissing her. She spread her legs wide and welcome his weight. She pushed his head down, liking the sensation of his stubble on her nipples, his lips sucking, the teeth. She moaned, her hips lifting as she grew aroused. He found her wet with his fingers. Stroke her. She pulled his face up, wrap her hands around his neck. “Fuck me.” She told him. He slid into her, a pleasant size. He started to thrust and she let her body enjoy the sensations.
She felt his body heat warm her. His heart beat was like a drum in her ears, she moved her hands to his lower back as he started to grunt above her. “Fuck…” he moaned. She dig into his lower back, her long nails digging in, drawing blood. “Shit… that hurt.” He moved his arms to lean upward. She smiled up at him, taking in the scent of his blood. “Sorry.” He grunted, moving one leg to spread her wider. She cup her breast, tweaked her nipples.
He watched. “Yes… fuck yes.” She moved her hand downward, found her nub, rub as he kept his thrusting going. She came once, his blood scent only adding to the pleasure, thinking of how his blood is going to taste, hot, wet. She grab his shoulders, rolled. She planted her knees on the bed, rode him. She looked up at the ceiling, her fangs growing. He grab her breast and twisted her nipples and she speed her hips up. “God… don’t stop..” he said and she felt it taking over, the hunger. She growled low, her eyes changing. He arched his back, his cum… she moved quickly, her face at his neck, biting, feeding as her own body climaxed.
She closed her eyes as he went limp, in more then one way. The taste- the heat. It ran down her throat and she drunk deep. But she was aware- it had been many years since she killed by mistake. She licked his neck, cleaning up the few drops that spilled. She sat up, wiped her mouth, cleaning her lips, wiped her face, ran her hand over her chin to catch any blood left over. She got off the man… what was his name? Anderson? She got off the bed, went to the bathroom to clean herself, check her makeup, see no blood was on her face.
She dressed quickly then returned to him. She felt his pulse, strong. She slap him softly to get him to wake up. She kissed his check, and he gave a soft “Mmm…” reaching for her. She step aside from his hands. “I need to go. Thanks for the fuck.” He open one eye, smiled at her, then went back to sleep, snoring. She left his room, making sure the door closed behind her. She felt great. The bottle stuff was good but nothing like fresh.
She left the hotel, getting her car from the valet, giving him a nice tip. She enjoyed sex- but it took blood to get her there. Again- her mind went to sex with more then just humans. Its been long enough. She has gotten to the point she trust herself on the blood taking. Could she control it tho? She pulled up to the house, hitting the garage opener, pulling in.
She got out of the car and heard music. She smiled and the question of sex with males other than human left her as she went inside.



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